Getting started

Getting started


  • Rich Data Services is packaged as a WAR file and can be deployed on Tomcat 7 or later
  • Java 8 or later must be installed. 
    • If Java 8 or later is not used as the default, ensure that the Tomcat "JAVA_HOME" variable is configured to use it. 


The Rich Data Services WAR file can be downloaded here. 

A Docker container can also be downloaded here if desired.


Deploy the Rich Data Service WAR file to Tomcat using the Tomcat manager web interface, or by copying the war file to the tomcat webapps directory. 

Log in as System Administrator

  • Navigate to the RDS home page at http://{host}/rds.
  • Log into the system administrator account by clicking the user button in the top right and choosing login.
  • Log in as the system administrator using user name and password sysadmin / sysadmin.
  • Go to the menu on the left hand side and select My Account. Change the sysadmin password.  

Install the License

If you have purchased a license, you can install it by completing the following steps:

  • Log in as the system administrator.
  • Navigate to the Admin Center by using the menu on the left hand side. 
  • In the License Status section upload your license file and provide the license password. 
  • After applying the password you should see the updated license information.   

Change the Registry Location

The registry is what keeps track of all the collections, data sources, and metadata repositories that are added to RDS. By default this will be created in the RDS webapp folder in Tomcat. This ensures that it is always available after installing the application. However, if the registry is left in the webapp folder it is in danger of being deleted if the webapp is undeployed or overwritten. Because of this we suggest moving the registry at start up. In the case of the webapp being undeployed or overwritten, administrators can change the location of the registry to the previous file and it will be read in as it was before. 

  • Navigate to the Admin Center using the menu on the left hand side.
  • Go to the registry properties section.
  • Change the registry location to a file path outside of the webapp.
  • Click Save.

Next Steps

Check out the Content Administration pages to learn more about setting up collections, data sources, and more.