The select function also allows users to order results the way they might in a typical relational database. Results may be ordered by one or more variables in both ascending or descending order.
Step By Step
Order Results
If ascending or descending order is not specified the order by clause will default to ascending.
Code Block title Order by VAR1 Ascending httphttp://{host}/rds/api/catalog/{collection}/{view}/select?orderby=VAR1
To specify descending order add "DESC" to the clause.
Code Block title Order by VAR1 Descending http://{host}/rds/api/catalog/{collection}/{view}/select?orderby=VAR1 DESC
Ordering by multiple variables is possible though separating the variables and their order by a comma.
Code Block title Order by VAR1 Descending and VAR2 Ascending http://{host}/rds/api/catalog/{collection}/{view}/select?orderby=VAR1 DESC,VAR2 ASC