In addition to variable subsetting, RDS also supports comprehensive and complex record subsetting. This is done though the where
parameter. The where clause is similar to that of a relational database where users can specify logical operations that will be evaluated to subset the data set.
Supported Where Functions
Name | Operator |
Greater than or equal to | >= |
Greater than | > |
Equal to | = |
Less than | < |
Less than or equal to | <= |
Not equal to | != |
Like a particular value | like |
Matches a regular expression | matches |
On this page:
Step By Step
- Begin with a simple select query.
Simple Where Clauses
Users may specify a where clause to filter the records as follows.
Where VAR1 is Greater Than or Equal to Onehttp://{host}/rds/{collection}/{view}/select?where=VAR1>=1
Where VAR1 is Greater Than Onehttp://{host}/rds/{collection}/{view}/select?where=VAR1>1
Where VAR1 is Equal to Onehttp://{host}/rds/{collection}/{view}/select?where=VAR1=1
Where VAR1 is Less Than Onehttp://{host}/rds/{collection}/{view}/select?where=VAR1<1
Where VAR1 is Less Than or Equal to Onehttp://{host}/rds/{collection}/{view}/select?where=VAR1<=1
Where VAR1 Starts With Onehttp://{host}/rds/{collection}/{view}/select?where=VAR1 like '1%25'
Where VAR1 is Matches a Two Digit Number Starting With Onehttp://{host}/rds/{collection}/{view}/select?where=VAR1 matches '[1][0-9]'
Where Clauses With Logical Operators
Individual filtering parameters can be combined with logical operators AND or OR.
Where VAR1 Equals One and VAR2 Does Not Equal One or VAR3 Equals Twohttp://{host}/rds/{collection}/{view}/select?where=(VAR1=1 AND VAR2!=1) OR VAR3=2