Metadata Formats
Metadata Formats
Andrew DeCarlo
Owned by Andrew DeCarlo
The metadata formats that are available for packaging are all standards based XML documents. Specifically they are either DDI Codebook or Lifecycle, or Triple-S XML.
DDI Codebook
The following is true for all the DDI codebook formats (DDI_C122, DDI_C21, DDI_CNES, DDI_C25)
- DDI_C122 - DDI Codebook 1.2.2
- DDI_C21 - DDI Codebook 2.1
- DDI_C25 - DDI Codebook 2.5
- DDI_CNES - Nesstar compliant DDI Codebook
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{ "objectId": "7511c981-ae3f-4e28-9ba8-2b1d9ad80b25", "type": "DDI_C25", "optionProperties": [ { "description": "File name", "enumValues": [], "label": "File name", "name": "fileName", "type": "TEXT", "value": "", "repeatable": false, "required": true, "readOnly": false }, { // specifies that the XML should be output in a human readable format (not all on one line) "description": "Is pretty print", "enumValues": [], "label": "Is pretty print", "name": "isPrettyPrint", "type": "BOOLEAN", "value": true, "repeatable": false, "required": false, "readOnly": false }, { "description": "DDI Document ID", "enumValues": [], "label": "DDI ID", "name": "DDiID", "type": "TEXT", "value": "BOY2PCRafNsG3Ig6", "repeatable": false, "required": false, "readOnly": false }, { "description": "Language", "enumValues": [], "label": "Language", "name": "language", "type": "TEXT", "value": "en", "repeatable": false, "required": true, "readOnly": false }, { // The objectId of a fixed, csv, or delimited file that is in the package. If this is filled out the Metadata will document that file specifically. "description": "The ID of a FIXED | CSV | DELIM file being packaged that this Codebook is documenting.", "enumValues": [], "label": "Data File ID", "name": "dataInstanceId", "type": "TEXT", "value": "", "repeatable": false, "required": false, "readOnly": false } ] }
DDI Lifecycle
The following is true for all the DDI Lifecycle formats (DDI_L31CO, DDI_L31RP, DDI_L31SU, DDI_L32RP, DDI_L32SU)
- DDI_L31CO - Colectica compliant DDI Lifecycle 3.1
- DDI_L31RP - DDI Lifecycle Resource Package 3.1
- DDI_L31SU - DDI Lifecycle Study Unit 3.1
- DDI_L32RP - DDI Lifecycle Resource Package 3.2
- DDI_L32SU - DDI Lifecycle Study Unit 3.2
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{ "objectId": "022fea9b-5677-4fa0-ae19-6bbafab87ee1", "type": "DDI_L32RP", "optionProperties": [ { "description": "File name", "enumValues": [], "label": "File name", "name": "fileName", "type": "TEXT", "value": "", "repeatable": false, "required": true, "readOnly": false }, { // your organizations agency ID, see http://registry.ddialliance.org/ "description": "Agency", "enumValues": [], "label": "Agency", "name": "Agency", "type": "TEXT", "value": "ex.ample", "repeatable": false, "required": true, "readOnly": false }, { // specifies that the XML should be output in a human readable format (not all on one line) "description": "Is pretty print", "enumValues": [], "label": "Is pretty print", "name": "isPrettyPrint", "type": "BOOLEAN", "value": true, "repeatable": false, "required": false, "readOnly": false }, { "description": "DDI Document ID", "enumValues": [], "label": "DDI ID", "name": "DDiID", "type": "TEXT", "value": "YfZeDrqsj9uA91C5", "repeatable": false, "required": false, "readOnly": false }, { "description": "Language", "enumValues": [], "label": "Language", "name": "language", "type": "TEXT", "value": "en", "repeatable": false, "required": true, "readOnly": false }, { "description": "Version", "enumValues": [], "label": "Version", "name": "version", "type": "TEXT", "value": "1.0.0", "repeatable": false, "required": true, "readOnly": false }, { // The objectId of a fixed, csv, or delimited file that is in the package. If this is filled out the Metadata will document that file specifically. "description": "The ID of a FIXED | CSV | DELIM file being packaged that this is documenting.", "enumValues": [], "label": "Data File ID", "name": "dataInstanceId", "type": "TEXT", "value": "", "repeatable": false, "required": false, "readOnly": false }, { // How the elements in the XML reference each other within the document "description": "Element reference type", "enumValues": [ "BOTH", "URN", "STRUCTURED" ], "label": "Reference type", "name": "idRef", "type": "ENUM", "value": "URN", "repeatable": false, "required": false, "readOnly": false }, {// only applies to DDI_L32RP consult http://www.ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-Lifecycle/3.2/XMLSchema/FieldLevelDocumentation/ // CanonicalURNType and DeprecatedURNType for more information. "description": "URN type", "enumValues": [ "CANONICAL", "DEPRECATED" ], "label": "URN type", "name": "urnTypeKey", "type": "ENUM", "value": "CANONICAL", "repeatable": false, "required": false, "readOnly": false } ] }
The following is true for all the DDI Lifecycle formats (SSS11, SSS20)
- SSS11 - Triple-S 1.1
- SSS20 - Triple-S 2.0
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{ "objectId": "ea9c1092-c6c8-4b5e-a0d2-c581bd5f026c", "type": "SSS20", "optionProperties": [ { "description": "File name", "enumValues": [], "label": "File name", "name": "fileName", "type": "TEXT", "value": "", "repeatable": false, "required": true, "readOnly": false }, { // specifies that the XML should be output in a human readable format (not all on one line) "description": "Is pretty print", "enumValues": [], "label": "Is pretty print", "name": "isPrettyPrint", "type": "BOOLEAN", "value": true, "repeatable": false, "required": false, "readOnly": false }, { "description": "Language", "enumValues": [], "label": "Language", "name": "language", "type": "TEXT", "value": "en", "repeatable": false, "required": true, "readOnly": false }, { // The objectId of a fixed, csv, or delimited file that is in the package. If this is filled out the Metadata will document that file specifically. "description": "The ID of a FIXED | CSV | DELIM file being packaged that this is documenting.", "enumValues": [], "label": "Data File ID", "name": "dataInstanceId", "type": "TEXT", "value": "", "repeatable": false, "required": false, "readOnly": false } ] }
, multiple selections available,