

Rich Data Services supports its own JSON structure as a way of bulk uploading metadata into the system. This format allows multiple updates of variable and classification metadata to be imported at once. The JSON structure is as follows:

    "metadata": {
        "variables": {
            "resources": [                                  // an array of variable resources 
                    "id": "var",
                    "name": "Var",
                    "label": "label",
                    "dataType": "TEXT|NUMERIC|DATE",
                    "width": 10,
                    "classification":"classId"              // reference to the classification id
        "classifications": {
            "resources": [
                    "id": "classId",                        // classification id
                    "codes": {
                        "resources": [
                                "value": "value",
                                "label": "label"

A template of this structure is attached and can be filled out to ensure that users are correctly formatting their metadata. 

  File Modified

File template.json

Aug 08, 2016 by Andrew DeCarlo