RDS Manager: General Layout


After logging in, users will be presented with the RDS management interface.

The management interface is made up of 3 major components, the header, navigation tray, and workspace.


The header contains basic application information, the Rich Data Services logo and application name are on the left hand side. On the right hand side there is a way to select the language of the interface along with links to the organization home page and social media links. These links can be removed as needed depending on what the organization has.

Navigation Tray

The navigation tray is the vertical bar on the left hand side of the manager. This provides links to the various parts of the application.

By default the tray will be collapsed showing only icons as a visual representation for each item. The blue arrow in the middle of the navigation tray can be used to expand the tray which will result in the title of each item being displayed next to the icons.

  • Create: Create a new catalog or data product.

  • Manage: Manage the catalogs or data products that are already created.

  • Processes: Opens the process tray where running or previously run processes can be seen.

  • Account: Update account settings or log out of the manager.

  • Help: View information about the version of the manager and about information.

In addition to these, at the bottom left hand corner users can set their perferred color scheme if the organization supports mulitple color themes.


In the middle area of the manager is the workspace. Here managers will perform the bulk of their actions. Whether they are creating new resources or editing current ones, this is where all the work will be done.