RDS Free Trial Program

RDS Free Trial Program

Interested in using Rich Data Services but not sure where to start, if it fits your needs, or how your users will react? Our RDS Free Trial Program is your answer!

If you qualify, we will host one instance of RDS for free in the Amazon cloud, and assist you in publishing a few datasets of your choice for testing and evaluation purposes. See details below. Availability is limited, fill out this form to apply.

What we offer under this program includes:

  • A free RDS server with a Postgres SQL or similar database server for up to 12 weeks

  • Up to 20 hours of technical support to package and publish your data on the server

  • Private training sessions (Intro to RDS, RDS API, RDS Administration, Data Management)

  • Up to 10 data products (unless otherwise agreed upon)

  • Generated Postman API documentation specific to your data (example)

  • Platform monitoring, usage reports, and standard support

  • Public or private access to the server

  • All services hosted on a single AWS EC2 large instance (8Gb, 2 CPU)

What’s the catch? None really, besides demonstrating a strong interest in using and potentially adopting the platform, and committing to actively participate in the trial program.

Qualification criteria include:

  • Provide a compelling use case or story

  • A commitment to actively use the platform, provide feedback, attend training sessions

  • Provide data, documentation, and work with our team during the initial setup and data load

  • Identify at least 10 users that will actively be using the server during the trial period

  • Describe how RDS would potentially be adopted by your organization

  • Allow us to use your agency’s name on our website or in RDS promotional materials

We are a small, passionate team that strongly believes the right tool and technology can make a significant difference in the world. We are looking forward to hearing from you.