COVID-19 Example Queries

COVID-19 Example Queries


When working with a new dataset or unfamiliar system, making the first query is often the hardest part.

To get you started, try out some of these queries either as an API call, or follow the link to the RDS app and use it as a basis to build your own query.


Country-Level COVID-19 Data

See how COVID-19 cases compare globally.

Get the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in 2020 for Canada (CA), China (CN), Spain (ES), Italy (IT), and United States of America (US).

Uses the Johns Hopkins University CCSE Country Reports dataset

Try it in the tabulation engine or use the following API call:

https://covid19.richdataservices.com/rds/api/query/int/jhu_country/tabulate?dims=date_stamp,iso3166_1&where=(year_stamp=2020) AND (iso3166_1=US OR iso3166_1=CA OR iso3166_1=ES OR iso3166_1=IT OR iso3166_1=CN)&measure=cnt_confirmed:SUM(cnt_confirmed)&inject=true&metadata=true&orderBy=date_stamp ASC,iso3166_1 ASC&totals=true


Hospitalized community exposure cases in Canada

Using the Statistics Canada Detailed Confirmed Cases dataset

Try it in the RDS Explorer or use the following API call:


U.S. State Health Department COVID-19 Data

Though state health department reporting varies from state to state, some datasets allow us to gain insights that are not available from the national reports.

Number of tests per day in New York and Kings counties

Using the New York Department of Health COVID dataset

Try it in the Tabulation Engine or use the following API call:

https://covid19.richdataservices.com/rds/api/query/us_ny/ny_doh_tests/tabulate?dims=date_stamp,us_county_fips&where=(date_stamp>=2020-03-01) AND (us_county_fips=36061 OR us_county_fips=36047)&measure=cnt_tested_new:SUM(cnt_tested_new)&inject=true&metadata=true&orderBy=date_stamp ASC,us_county_fips ASC&totals=true


Ohio COVID-19 cases for males aged 50 and older

Using the Ohio Department of Health and Social Services COVID Cases dataset

Try it in the RDS Explorer or use the following API call:



Canadian Labour Force Data

Analyze how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected employment numbers.

Canada labour force status trends in 2020

Uses the Canada Labour Force Survey dataset

Try it in the Tabulation Engine or use the following API call:

https://covid19.richdataservices.com/rds/api/query/ca/pums_lfs/tabulate?dims=YEARMNTH,LFSSTAT&weights=FINALWT&where=(SURVYEAR=2020)&measure=COUNT:COUNT(*)&inject=true&metadata=true&orderBy=YEARMNTH ASC,LFSSTAT ASC&totals=true


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